Indietracks 2017: Quick Look

Last weekend’s Indietracks 2017 was a blast. Thanks to all of the great acts, plus the organizers, for keeping this fantastic event rocking and rolling. I’ll be publishing complete photo sets on my own site, but for now, I’ve posted…

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Countdown to Indietracks 2017

It’s late July , and that can only mean one thing, at least in my calendar: Indietracks! I’ll be hitting Derbyshire, England, this weekend for the annual indie-music festival. As before, I’m attending not just as a rabid indie music…

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Glen Lyon Roasters Tasting

Free coffee tasting? You had me at free coffee. Even better when it’s Glen Lyon Roasters, operating out of Aberfeldy in the Scottish Highlands. After meeting co-owner Jamie Grant a few years back when he came to speak at the…

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Degree Show 2017: Duncan of Jordanstone in Dundee

Great Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design and Architecture Degree Show 2017 running now in Dundee. Although the polypropylene rope submerged in a tank of custard was beginning to smell pretty ripe by day two of the event.  

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A Sunny Weekend in Glasgow

Springtime in Glasgow, with a weekend full of sun and street photos.

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