I had the pleasure recently of meeting Ben Wilson, who’s been decorating the pavements along and around Perth Road in Dundee with his “chewing gum” art. It wasn’t until I had a look at his Instagram account and website that I realized I’ve seen his work not just around Dundee, but also around London’s Millennium Bridge.
I love the one he’s doing in two of the portraits I took of him. It’s at the corner of Perth Road and Strawberrybank, and based on a portrait he’d taken a day or two before, of a guy who’d been standing there and gave him the go-ahead.
More fun facts: In addition to paints, brushes and varnish, he gets to wield a blowtorch, I believe to help with the finish when he’s mostly done — or at least, that’s the bit I saw.
Caveat: Photographing Ben’s on-the-pavement art is a challenge, given its small size and perhaps my not waiting for a rainstorm to have cleaned some of them back up.